Utility Department
Plymouth Utility Department
48 West Broadway St.
Plymouth, Ohio 44865
Ph: 419-687-4331
Fax: 419-687-1331
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
We accept payments in the form of
cash, check, money order, and credit/debit cards.
** Now Available **
The Village of Plymouth is now able to process ACH Automatic Withdrawal Payments! These payments are automatically taken from a checking or savings account. It is very simple to start- All you have to do is stop in the Utility Office, fill out a short application, and attach a voided check or deposit slip. You will still receive a bill every month letting you know how much will be taken from your account. Anyone that is interested, please call or stop in today!
Our Billing Cycle...
Our bills come out the first week of the month, and are always due by the 20th. Any bill not paid in full by the 20th will be assessed a 10% penalty and will be sent a late notice, which will have a due date of 14 days from the 20th. After said date, any person that still has a bill left unpaid will be sent a final notice with a date for disconnection.
Moving In...
Any new resident moving into town, or current resident moving within the Village, must come to the utility office and fill out a short application, where we will also get a copy of your driver’s license or state issued identification. If you are renting the property, or buying land-contract, you must also be prepared to pay the deposit required before moving in. The deposits are as follows: $100 for water service, $100 for sewer, and $200 for electric.
Moving Out...
Any resident moving from the Village must come to the office and fill out a form for us to do a final reading at the current residence. The remaining bill, or any deposit refund, will be sent to the forwarding address that you provide us with.
A list of all Village policies and procedures are available upon request at the utility office.
Utility Clerk, Tammy Powers
E-mail: tpowers@plymouthoh.org
Asst. Utility Clerk, Amanda Frisch
Village Administrator, James Burton
E-mail: jburton@plymouthoh.org
Utility Workers: Theo Latteman (Assistant Administrator), Brentan Ryman, and Jesse Garcia
Park: Bruce Bistline
Custodian: Gretchen Fullard