2023 Resolutions

Attached Document or FileRES_1-2023.pdf GovDeals 2023
Attached Document or FileRES_2-2023.pdf Apply for EPA Grant for Water Quality Equipment
Attached Document or FileRES_3-2023.pdf Apply for EPA Grant for Water Distribution Emergency Generator
Attached Document or FileRES_4-2023.pdf Contract with CB&S JFD for EMS/Paramedic Support
Attached Document or FileRES_5-2023.pdf Employ Wagers and McVey
Attached Document or FileRES_6-2023.pdf Accept ODNR Capital Improvement Award- Basketball Court
Attached Document or FileRES_7-2023.pdf Accept EPA Emergency Generator Equipment Grant
Attached Document or FileRES_8-2023.pdf Enter Into ODNR Capital Improvement Agreement- Basketball Court
Attached Document or FileRES_9-2023.pdf Approve VOP Participation in the Safe Routes to School Project
Attached Document or FileRES_10-2023.pdf Client Services Agreement with Medicount Mgmt.
Attached Document or FileRES_11-2023.pdf Signatories for Star Ohio Investment Transfers
Attached Document or FileRES_12-2023.pdf Repeal 19-2021- General Fund Transfers
Attached Document or FileRES_13-2023.pdf Road Salt Purchase
Attached Document or FileRES_14-2023.pdf Agreement for Replacement of W Broadway Bridge
Attached Document or FileRES_15-2023.pdf Levy a Renewal for Fire Department Operations and Maintenance
Attached Document or FileRES_16-2023.pdf Levy a Tax for Parks and Recreation (Pool)
Attached Document or FileRES_17-2023.pdf Create PT Building and Grounds Maintenance Assistant
Attached Document or FileRES_18-2023.pdf ODNR Agreement for Wildland Fire Suppression
Attached Document or FileRES_19-2023.pdf Agreement with Huron Co. EMA
Attached Document or FileRES_20-2023.pdf Submission of Fire Dept. Renewal Levy
Attached Document or FileRES_21-2023.pdf Submission of Parks and Recreation Levy
Attached Document or FileRES_22-2023.pdf Ohio to Restore Pre Recession Level Local Gov. Funds
Attached Document or FileRES_23-2023.pdf Final Appointment of Officers Andrus and Shafer
Attached Document or FileRES_24-2023.pdf TimeClock Contract
Attached Document or FileRES_25-2023.pdf Closure of Walnut St Railroad Crossing
Attached Document or FileRES_26-2023.pdf Authorize Necessary Tax Levies to the County
Attached Document or FileRES_27-2023.pdf West Broadway St Project Change Order
Attached Document or FileRES_28-2023.pdf Apply for OPWC Grant for Plymouth East Rd
Attached Document or FileRES_29-2023.pdf Accept Bridge Ownership- Contingent on Grant Award
Attached Document or FileRES_30-2023.pdf Employee FSA Plan with Consumer Driven
Attached Document or FileRES_31-2023.pdf ODOT Sidewalk Improvements on St Rt 61/ Mary Fate Park
Attached Document or FileRES_32-2023.pdf Accept ODOT Grant for West Broadway Bridge Replacement
Attached Document or FileRES_33-2023.pdf Final Accept Ownership of Bridge from Ashland Railway
Attached Document or FileRES_34-2023.pdf Authorize Contract with ODOT for Mary Fate Crosswalk Project
Attached Document or FileRES_35-2023.pdf Satisfaction of Mortgage with Optimax
Attached Document or FileRES_36-2023.pdf Approve ODOT School Flasher Improvements on St Rt 603
Attached Document or FileRES_37-2023.pdf Employ R, W, B and Legal Counsel