2021 Resolutions
RES 1-2021
Sell by Internet Auction
RES 2-2021
General Fund Levy Renewal
RES 3-2021
CRF Subgrant with Romans and Salv. Army
RES 4-2021
UAN Notifications
RES 5-2021
Cummins Sales and Services
RES 6-2021
Support Safe Routes to School
RES 7-2021
Purchase 20 East Main St.
RES 8-2021
Huron Co. EMS Agreement
RES 9-2021
Hazard Mitigation Plan
RES 10-2021
Rescind Food Pantry Covid Relief Funds
RES 11-2021
PD Holiday Compensation
RES 12-2021
National Opioid Settlement Agreement
RES 13-2021
American Rescue Plan Act
RES 14-2021
Certify Tax Levies to County
RES 15-2021
2022 CDA Agreement
RES 16-2021
2021 Road Salt
RES 17-2021
2022 Rumpke Increase
RES 18-2021
Annual Shirts & Boots Purchase
RES 19-2021
Monthly General to Pool Transfer
RES 20-2021
Park Capital Improvements Project
RES 21-2021
Pool Capital Improvements Project
RES 22-2021
Village Records Manager
RES 23-2021
Receipt of Community Development Block Grant
RES 24-2021
Terminate Public Records Designee
RES 25-2021
Rebekah Fearing- Tax & Mayor's Court Clerk
RES 26-2021
Sale of Utility Trucks on GovDeals
RES 27-2021
Create Assistant Administrator Position
RES 28-2021
Appointment of Theo Latteman- Asst. Administrator
RES 29-2021
2022 Legal Counsel- Renwick, Welsh, and Burton
RES 30-2021
Mutual Aid Agreement