2021 Ordinances

ORD 1-2021 Fire Dept Composition and Compensation of Officers
ORD 2-2021 Publish Bids for Dump Truck
ORD 3-2021 2021 Annual Appropriations
ORD 4-2021 Amend Zoning Officer Residency Requirement
ORD 5-2021 Hoover Detachment
ORD 6-2021 Repeal 16-2020 - Pay Ranges
ORD 7-2021 Fire Department Compensation
ORD 8-2021 Richland Co. Growth Corporation
ORD 9-2021 Bid 2022 Dump Truck
ORD 10-2021 Transfer Vacant Lot (Locomotive)
ORD 11-2021 Granting Consent (ODOT)
ORD 12-2021 Mark Suhanic- Forester
ORD 13-2021 Amend Annual Appropriations
ORD 14-2021 Amend Annual Appropriations
ORD 15-2021 Commitment of Funds
ORD 16-2021 Behind the Meter Generators
ORD 17-2021 Amend Annual Appropriations
ORD 18-2021 Amend Personnel Policies
ORD 19-2021 2022 Pay Ranges
ORD 20-2021 Amend Appropriations
ORD 21-2021 Amend Appropriations
ORD 22-2021 Amend Appropriations
ORD 23-2021 Emergency Dump Truck Purchase
ORD 24-2021 Appointment of James Burton- Village Administrator
ORD 25-2021 Electric Service Connection Fees
ORD 26-2021 2022 Temporary Appropriations
ORD 27-2021 2022 Employee Pay Ranges
ORD 28-2021 Water Rate Increase
ORD 29-2021 Amend (2021) Appropriations