2018 Ordinances

Ordinance_1-2018 Tom Hintz- Chief of Police
Ordinance_2-2018 Farmland Lease
Ordinance_3-2018 Loan for new boilers
Ordinance_4-2018 Contract with Guenther Mechanical. Inc.
Ordinance_5-2018 Farmland Lease
Ordinance_6-2018 Annual Appropriations
Ordinance_7-2018 Employee Pay Ranges
Ordinance_8-2018 Amend Annual Appropriations
ORD_9-2018 Bonds for boiler loan
ORD_10-2018 Traffic Code
ORD_11-2018 Removal of Bill Hudson
ORD_12-2018 Permit Limited Hunting on Village Property
Ord_13-2018 Amend Annual Appropriations
Ord_14-2018 PD Standard Work Week- Calculating Overtime
Ord_15-2018 Abraham Trucks Creek and Bridge
Ord_16-2018 Vacate Ally
Ord_17-2018 Amend Annual Appropriations
Ord_18-2018 Vacating of Alley on Mulberry St
Ord_19-2018 Supplement to Code of Ordinances
Ord_20-2018 Repealing of Sections from Employee Handbook
Ord_21-2018 Amend Annual Appropriations
Ord_22-2018 Part-time PD- Blackburn, Shafer, and Greene
Ord_23-2018 Temporary Appropriations
Ord_24-2018 Amend Annual Appropriations