2018 Resolutions

Resolution_1-2018 Appointment of Arielle Brown- PT PD
Resolution_2-2018 Montel Gordon- Police Captain
Resolution_3-2018 Justin Hoffman- PT PD
Resolution_4-2018 Hoffman and Brown- Full-time PD
Resolution_5-2018 Paramore and Fritz- FT Utility Dept.
Resolution_6-2018 Emergency Management Service
RES_7-2018 Tax Renewal- Fire Dept.
RES_8-2018 Cemetery Mowing- Optimax
RES_9-2018 GovDeals
RES_10-2018 Appoint Tom Rusynyk- Village Administrator
RES_11-2018 Levy Renewal for Fire Dept.
Res_12-2018 PD Pay Rates and Uniform Allowance
Res_13-2018 Authorizing Tax Levies & Certifying to County
Res_14-2018 Wendi Postema- Part-Time PD
Res_15-2018 Hoffman and Brown- Regular Full-Time PD
Res_16-2018 Contract with Perry ProTech
Res_17-2018 Employee FSA for 2019
Res_18-2018 Renwick, Welsh, Burton as VOP Legal Counsel
Res_19-2018 Mutual Aid- Emergency Ambulance Service
Res_20-2018 Purchase of new PD Tahoe