2022 Resolutions

RES 1-2022 GovDeals 2022
RES 2-2022 Cemetery Tax Levy
RES 3-2022 Cemetery Tax Levy
RES 4-2022 Cash Advance from Electric to Pool Fund
RES 5-2022 Cash Advance from General to Pool Fund
RES 6-2022 EMS Medical Director
RES 7-2022 Safe Routes to School- Maintenance
RES 8-2022 Final Distribution- ARP Funds
RES 9-2022 AMP- Master Services Agreement
RES 10-2022 2022 ODOT Road Salt Contract
RES 11-2022 West Broadway- Professional Services Agreement
RES 12-2022 School Resource Officer Contract
RES 13-2022 Village Procurement and Purchasing Policy
RES 14-2022 ARP- Simplified Acquisition Threshold
RES 15-2022 ARP- Micro Purchase Threshold
RES 16-2022 Village Depository- Civista Bank
RES 17-2022 Mary Fate Park- Professional Services Agreement
RES 18-2022 Purchase PD Chevy Tahoe
RES 19-2022 Tamara Powers- FT Assistant Utility Clerk
RES 20-2022 Purchase 34 West Broadway
RES 21-2022 2022 ODOT Chip/Seal St Rt 603
RES 22-2022 New Parks and Recreation Levy
RES 23-2022 New Parks and Recreation Levy
RES 24-2022 Certain Employee Payroll Adjustments
RES 25-2022 ODOT Crosswalk Project
RES 26-2022 Festival Partial Road Closure
RES 27-2022 Tamara Powers- FT Utility Clerk
RES 28-2022 Huron County EMA
RES 29-2022 Purchase PD 2021 Chevy Tahoe
RES 30-2022 ODOT Park Intersection Project
RES 31-2022 Agreement with Modern Office Methods
RES 32-2022 Agreement with KEM (Engineer) Park Intersection Project
RES 33-2022 Certifying Tax Levies to the County
RES 34-2022 Agreement with Consumer Driven Administrators for FSA
RES 35-2022 Merchant Agreement for Credit Cards
RES 36-2022 Retired PD Concealed Handgun Qualification Certification
RES 37-2022 2023 Monthly Trash Rate
RES 38-2022 Fire Truck Purchase
RES 39-2022 New Haven TWP Fire and Emergency Services Agreement
RES 40-2022 New Haven TWP Rescue and Emergency Services Agreement
RES 41-2022 Agreement with Net2Services
RES 42-2022 FT PD- Shafer and Andrus
RES 43-2022 Employment of RWB as Legal Counsel